Overseas Investors Display Increased Confidence in China

2004-10-18 14:35

Immediately after the World Health Organization lifted its travel advisory against Beijing and removed the city from the list of SARS-affected areas on June 24, Steve Van Andel, chairman of the prestigious US-based multinational Amway and president of the International Policy Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce, paid another visit to China, and declared that his company would invest an additional US$ 120 million in China. The move once again indicates that multinationals would not slowdown their investment in China owing to the impact of SARS. During the outbreak of SARS, Chairman Andel, meeting with the Chinese press on several occasions in the United States, expressed his confidence in the prospects of China’s market. His latest visit to attend the ceremony marking additional investment once again indicates Amway's undiminished confidence in China.

With its 1.28 billion people, China boasts a potential market that overseas investors find irresistible, noted a recent AFP news release. According to the report, some overseas businesses have translated their correct assessment of China's economy into the practical action of investing in the country. On May 15,the Sweden-based Ikea, the world's1argest household goods retailer, signed a cooperation contract worth US$60 million with the Beijing Taide Co. for the construction of a 30,OO0-square-meter retail sales outlet. On May 17,Motorola CEO visited Beijing as scheduled and signed a cooperation memorandum for investing US$90million to set up an R&D center in Beijing. On June 10,construction of the first branch of the Thailand-based EK Chor Lotus Supermarket was launched in Beijing. At the end of June, the first Beijing-based chain store of the global retail giant Wal-Mart opened. On August 1,the COOC Shell Petrochemical Co. Ltd., the largest Sin0, foreign joint venture funded by China Offshore Oil Co. (COOC) and the She1l Co., was founded in Huizh011, Guangdong Province. The project, with each partner contributing 50 percent of the total investment of US$4.46billion,is expected to produce 800,OOOtons of ethylene annually upon completion by the end of 2005.Not one of the foreign investors that had planned to set up 10commercial joint ventures in Beijing this year changed its schedule owing to the impact of SARS.

Political stability, rapid economic development and investment security have turned China into a choice destination for overseas investment. Foreign investors, confidence in China in spite of the attack of SARS, first of all, is based on the Chinese Government's great adaptability, credibility and grasp of social mobilization manifested in the fight against SARS-The performance of the Chinese Government enabled overseas investors to realize and appreciate its responsible attitude toward the people, the county and the world. As Mr. Steve Van Andel noted, the prompt and firm measures taken by the Chinese Government in the fight against SARS enhanced the confidence of China's trading partners, proprietors and investors, and all this was bound to help China maintain sustained economic development.

The sudden crisis of SARS did not change China's advantages in attracting overseas investment. The tremendous scope of China's potential market, low-cost labor and immense manufacturing capacity have provided multinationals with a huge market for competition. Since china's WTO accession, the scope of foreign investment in the country has expanded continuously, and government policies have become increasingly transparent and complete. This has further inspired overseas investors, confidence. To date, more than 400of the global top 500 multinationals have invested in China. Without exception, they agree that with the effective control over SARS, China still boasts the most attractive investment environment in the world.