International Community Aids China’s Fight Against SARS

2004-10-18 14:34

Since the outbreak of SARS in China, sincere greetings and blessings have been continuously extended to the Chinese people from all parts of the world, medical equipment and epidemic prevention materials in badly need have been shipped to the country in a endless stream, and worldwide scientists have painstakingly worked in cooperation to prevent and control the epidemic. Facing the fatal disease, the world is fighting shoulder to shoulder with China.

During the crucial moment in the Chinese people’s fight against SARS, the government and people of various countries provided China with generous assistance.

On May 17, a Russian aircraft loaded with anti-SARS materials landed on the Beijing International Airport. This was the first batch of medical aid provided by the Russian Government for the Chinese Government, including 29.8 tons of medicines, disinfectants and medical equipment valued at US$ 1.33 million.

Since mid-April, anti-SARS materials,, including respiratory and X-ray machines, protective clothing, face masks and medicines, have flowed into China continuously from all parts of the world, showing the great concern and extensive support given by the governments and people of various countries to China’s battle against SARS.

According to statistics by relevant authorities, by May 30, nearly 30 countries, international organizations and foreign enterprises and agencies had provided China with different kinds of assistance, including US$34 million worth of government aid, US$3.5 million worth of non-governmental donations.

On May 14, Romanian Prime Minister Adrian Nastase came to China, bringing with him some medical equipment to his host. During a meeting with him on the next day, both President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao expressed their gratitude with the proverb: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

The Chinese people will never forget those who provided them with sincere help in a time of disaster.

Facing the ferocious onslaught of SARS, the government and scientist of various countries have worked in cooperation in unprecedented unity.

Countries and scientists worldwide, believing that they are duty-bound to eliminate the epidemic that is threatening all mankind, have joined hands to combat SARS and tackle key scientific problems. Working with utmost efficiency, Chinese and overseas scientists have made rapid progress in their research on SARS, with a speed unprecedented in the history of mankind’s fight against infectious diseases.

On March 17, the World Health Organization (WHO) set up a untied network composed of 11 laboratories (with the number rising to 13 later) based in nine countries to jointly search for the epidemic source. In less than a month, laboratories in China, Germany, the United States and other countries and regions confirmed that a mutation of the cronovirus was the pathogen causing SARS. Two weeks later, scientists of China, Singapore, the United States and Canada completed the sequencing of the gene of SARS virus.

“The progress in unprecedented,” commented a WHO official in charge of infectious disease. Under the coordination of the WHO, the research network has worked day and night on tackling dozens of anti- SARS projects. The first report on the progress of anti- SARS research was released on May 4.

The international community has intensified cooperation in the fight against SARS. WHO officials and experts have repeatedly come to China to investigate the epidemic situation and provide suggestions and guidance. Related WHO agency has worked in close cooperation with its Chinese counterpart on the prompt release of information about SARS.

ASEAN and China convened a special meeting to discuss and coordinate measures against SARS.

On May 19, the 56th World Health Congress was convened amidst the strenuous global fight against SARS. Representatives from 192 WHO member countries suggested ways and means for conquering this new infectious disease.

At present, the worldwide battle against SARS has entered a crucial stage. The extensive cooperation of the international community and global scientific and technological circles during this battle for the life security of mankind will not only contribute to the eventual control of the disease, but will also create good conditions for the peaceful progress of human society.

Many countries, while showing their support and appreciation for China’s endeavor against SARS, expressed their trust in the Chinese Government as one with a high level of responsibility.

The spread of SARS posed a grim challenge to China, a large developing country. Owing to the sudden outbreak of the epidemic and also to the lack of experience, some problems occurred in the early stage of China’s epidemic control. However, the Chinese Government, taking high responsibility for the people’s health and life security, firmly adopted a series of measures. The central and local governments and the people throughout the country acted promptly, ensuring that the epidemic prevention and control work is gradually steered on a standard and orderly track and achieves significant results.

The efforts has won the praise and trust of the international community.

In late April when the epidemic situation was extremely severe in Beijing, French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin paid a visit to China. He said his visit was meant to show the sincere support of his government and people for China’s fight against SARS.

Romanian Prime Minister Adrian Nastase appreciated the effective measures adopted by the Chinese Government in SARS prevention and control during a meeting with Premier Wen Jiabao. “The Chinese Government and people will surely win the battle,” he stated.

Many infectious disease specialists have spoken highly of China’s effective prevention and control measures. An official with the US Disease Control and Prevention Center said he was highly impressed by China’s anti- SARS efforts.

Many multinationals agree that the Chinese Government’s capacity to deal with crises demonstrated in the fight against SARS has greatly encouraged overseas investors. Stephen Roche, chief economist with Morgan Stanley, noted that SARS, a severe test for China, has not diminished the country’s appeal and that China will become mature after this grave crisis. This is of great strategic significance to the economy in Asia and the world at large.

In April, when SARS was rampant in Beijing, 143 foreign-funded enterprises were given approval to be set up in the capital city, a rise of 53.8 percent over the same period of last year. Paid-in foreign direct investment totaled US$223 million, up 50.7 percent. The number of newly approved foreign representative offices exceeded 82, basically equaling that in the same period of last year.

Facing the unexpected disaster, the Chinese people have experienced the support, help, understanding and trust from all parts of the world. In the fight against SARS, China has also made its bit to the welfare and health of the people worldwide.

During his recent telephone talk with ROK President Roh Moon-hyun, Chinese President Hu Jintao said, “The Chinese Government and people are determined and confident that by relying on science and technology and the strength of the people, they can win the battle against SARS with the support of the international community.”

This is China’s commitment to the world.