Notice on Legalisation Service

2015-05-12 17:00

In order to provide a service of better quality, and drawing upon international practices, the Chinese embassy in Singapore will authorize the Chinese Visa Application Service Centre (CVASC) to provide relevant services for document authentication with effect from 15 May, 2015.

The Chinese embassy still makes the decision on whether a document can be legalised or not, in which CVASC will not be involved. The CVASC will be responsible for services including receiving applications, answering inquiries, returning documents and collecting charges for Legalisation on behalf of the Chinese embassy.

More convenience will be furnished by the CVASC, such as longer opening hours and online reservations to reduce waiting time, and a more comfortable environment.

The CVASC wil strictly follow the laws of China and Singapore to ensure the security of the personal information and the contents of the documents submitted.

To maintain regular operation, CVASC will charge a service fee. And the rate will be published to the applicants.